Local Coordinator Senegal
STMicroelectronics Foundation
Waly Faye was born on July 12, 969 in Ndiendieng in the department of Bambey Region. Having lost his father very early, he decided to join the Catholic mission of Bambey to continue his studies. He attended the technical school and the high school in Louga. Afterwards he accomplished the law studies at the University of Dakar.
With the arrival of informatics in the country, he decided to choose a new professional path and he got an Advanced Technician Diploma.
The passion for informatics grew along the years. He decided to dedicate more and more time to help people mastering computers. From 2001, he became a trainer in office automation and at the same time computer assistant for the audit firm of the OMVS (Senegal River Basin Development Authority).
Meanwhile he started working as a trainer for the former ST Foundation’s partner in the country: ANEJ. He became the only trainer certified by the Foundation for the management of the train the trainers’ course in Senegal.
In 2015, he stopped the collaboration with the OMVS and was appointment as the Local coordinator of the ST Foundation in Senegal.